Adolescent Programs



Montessori refers to the “great work” of human being as “actuating man’s value, allowing him to attain the maximum development of his energies, truly preparing him to bring about a different form of human society on a higher plane” (Montessori, 1949, xiii). Within the Montessori developmental framework, the individual’s great work begins to emerge during adolescence. In order to support students in performing their “great work” we must help them discover their individual passions, gifts, and skills that meet the needs of the world. We do this by providing direct and indirect preparation (key questions, content and experiences) for meta-cognition, values formation, inquiry, discipline, reflection, perspective taking, confidence, independence, and adaptability through Abroad Experiences, an annual Adolescent Summit, and much more. When supported by an active education carefully matched to developmental characteristics, the adolescent is able to perceive his or her “highest vocation” or calling, which is to make a noble contribution, both concrete and abstract, to the human world in peaceful coexistence with the natural world. Our mission is to support the Montessori adolescent’s commitment to peace.